Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

What can you do when your life stagnates?

What can you do if you're not making progress? | Alexandra Kind

There are moments in life when you have the feeling that you are not making any progress in any area. You feel like you are "blocked". Do you know this?

Most of the time you find yourself in an "old emotion" and you have not yet let go of it or accepted it.

Old emotions that are still dormant in our system are often the reason why we do not make progress.

The difficult thing is that sometimes these old emotions are so well hidden, or come from other lives or dimensions, that you don't even notice them.

Old emotions can still be released, even if we are not consciously aware of them - this is the message God is telling me at this moment, in the form of this blog post.

If you are tormented by old emotions, it is because you did not accept them when they arose. Maybe you were too young to deal with them. Maybe you were in too much of a hurry to feel them. There can be many reasons why you didn't notice your old emotions back then. But now you can do it!

Feel today and now how you are and ask yourself the question: Is there an old emotion that I am still hiding? If you feel that the answer is yes, it wants to come to the surface. Then let it come to the surface and feel it for a moment. It usually doesn't take long to release it.

Once you have "felt" all your old emotions, you are free to move forward!

It's not about releasing all your old emotions at once. That would certainly be overwhelming. It's just a matter of regularly asking yourself this question and seeing if anything shows up. If something wants to be felt, feel it!

If you are at a point in your life where things don't seem to be moving forward, it is about feeling these old emotions and thereby freeing your system so that you can move forward again.

Sometimes it can be as simple as that. But you should do it!

If you are not making progress, there is a good reason. Look for it within yourself!

We often look for reasons on the outside why this or that doesn't work. It may be that we find reasons on the outside - no question about that. But: the origin is always on the inside! Once you have solved the source inside, things outside can no longer slow you down.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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