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How do you get what you desire?

How to get what you want | The blog of Alexandra Kind

It is important to realise that the universe always provides what we desire (even unconsciously). The law of attraction works always and around the clock. It is very reliable and is never wrong.

This law basically says that what we send out, we get back.

It works the same way with our desires. Once you understand the law of attraction, you can use it for yourself by sending out what you want to get back 24 hours a day and refraining from what you don't want.

Focus is important here.

It is important that we focus on what we desire. For example, if we desire success, we should focus on things that will help us achieve that goal. For example, we can be inspired by successful people, dream of success or work on our skills to become better and better at what we want to be successful at.

The universe gives us what we think is right.

For example, if you think it is right to change your job, the universe will help you find a new job.

If you believe that it is right to have many customers, the universe will help you to gain many customers.

It depends on your beliefs.

Look at which of your beliefs are preventing you from believing that getting what you want is 100 % right and dissolve them.

Also, see what missing beliefs might help you believe that it is 100 % right to get what you want and adopt them.

Once you believe 100 % that something is right for you, you will get it!

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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