Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

What is the best way to deal with stress?

What is the best way to deal with stress? | The blog of Alexandra Kind

Right now so many light energies reach us on earth that many of our "issues" can be healed. This often creates stress within us at first. However, there are ways to keep this stress within manageable limits and, despite these high frequencies, not feel "overwhelmed".

Stress is always a sign that we are doing wrong or that our beliefs are inadequate.

When stress arises in us, it means that we are confronted with some of our "issues" and they want to be "resolved". When we feel stress, it shows us that we should act differently or change our attitude towards certain things.

Stress doesn't just come. It shows us, "Hey, do something!"

When we understand this, we can already deal with stress in a more relaxed way.

In my opinion, the first aid for stress is: awareness!

When we are stressed because some emotion "comes up", the simplest solution is to first notice and accept it. If we observe the presence of this emotion (stress) in a relaxed way and do not judge it, it can quickly disappear. And most of the time, this also changes the issue associated with it.

Breathing is also a great help. Sit down and breathe slowly. You usually feel better after just a few minutes.

If this does not work because the stress is too great, you can always get outside help.

If we observe our stress neutrally, we perceive it differently.

If you observe your stress neutrally, without being afraid of it and without seeing it as "bad", it is easier to get rid of it. The most important thing is not to evaluate it. As soon as we (unconsciously) evaluate a situation, it is more difficult to solve it.

This neutrality is achieved by repeating the words "I am".

If you say the words "I am!" several times, this already clears many energies and you enter into this neutrality. Often it is enough to perceive, accept and breathe deeply so that the stress dissolves.

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