Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Life coaching with Alexandra Kind | 1:1 sessions by phone

Life coaching with me helps you to find your heart, to recognise what your soul really wants and to release the blockages that still stand in the way of fulfilling these desires.

As a healer, I also bring my healing and medium skills into play, so a session with me can be a truly transformative experience for you!

You wish to change something in your life, but you don't know what or how?
Then a life coaching session with me (I also call it a healing session) is ideal to get a clearer view of your situation and get your life back on track.

Together, we can explore questions like

  • Are you on the right path?
  • Are you wishing for the right things (from the perspective of your soul)?
  • Why is the realization stalling?
  • What can you do to improve your situation or your life?

in one or more sessions, as needed.

You can book your session here:

1:1 Life coaching session

Let's break through your own limitations together so you can create a life that makes you truly happy.

Note: All my services have the effect that you can transform yourself inwardly and that your life can change for the better as a result. However, I am not responsible for the changes that occur in your life. My offers are intended to help you to help yourself.