The new era is here!
You may already be familiar with the concept of the New Era / New Earth. It is here now! We have collectively just arrived in this new time!
Messages of light
from the Source
Healer & Medium
My blog posts are channelled messages from Divine Source. May they inspire you!
You may already be familiar with the concept of the New Era / New Earth. It is here now! We have collectively just arrived in this new time!
Empowerment means holding the reins of our lives in our own hands. However, we have often relinquished and lost them over time.
The inner child symbolises our innate truth, which we exchange for the ideas of our parents and fellow human beings in the course of our lives.
A lot is written about it, and I am not the only one who says that letting go is so important. But I think that many people don't understand exactly what letting go means.
Our happiness depends 100 per cent on our thoughts. Depending on how we see a situation, we are happy or not. It is not the new shoes that make us happy, but the fact that in our thoughts we think the new shoes are good.
The following is a question we should ask ourselves regularly, "Who am I?" Because, in fact, only when we find the answer to this question within ourselves can we be truly happy and live the life we truly desire!
It is important to realise that the universe always provides what we desire (even unconsciously). The law of attraction works always and around the clock. It is very reliable and is never wrong.
There is nothing more wonderful than being happy! To be happy is a blessing, simply indescribable! You shine from every cell, like a sun.
Right now so many light energies reach us on earth that many of our "issues" can be healed. This often creates stress within us at first. However, there are ways to keep this stress within manageable limits and, despite these high frequencies, not feel "overwhelmed".
Devotion (to the Divine) is a condition in which we no longer "direct" our lives with our minds but allow them to flow only from our hearts.
Many books and spiritual teachers speak of the "now" and say that only the "now" is important. That only the "now" exists and that everything happens in the "now". Personally, I find it difficult to understand this idea.
Life is beautiful! Now the question is, do you really see it that way? We live according to what we inwardly (and often unconsciously) believe.
We are not separated from the love of God: we never have been! We have only "forgotten" that it is always there. All our problems and lack, even illnesses, always stem from the feeling that we are not getting enough love.
If we are our "true self", we live out of the state of being and are in divine surrender. This means that at that moment we no longer think so much, but instead (without thinking) let things happen, observe and receive or do what needs to be done.
First of all, what is "the right way"? The right path is the path that God wants for us. It is not even necessarily the way our soul (our "true self") has determined.
We reach our goals when our soul says "yes"! It is important that we understand this! Because we often set goals in our heads, but in reality (as a soul) they do us more harm than good.
There are some "tricks" to improve one's life. However, these tricks must be cultivated as a constant inner attitude so that they actually help us to fundamentally improve our lives.
What helps us all to improve our situation is, above all, to accept it. This sounds simple - and yet we have many aspects within us that do not "want" to accept everything as it is.
I have been dealing with this mystery for a very long time. In the meantime I am torn between "just being the real me" and "working on the manifestation of my desires".
We are all subject to the "law of resonance", also known as the "law of attraction". But what does it actually say? It says that what we send out comes back to us.
A new world is about to emerge. You can't see it in reality yet. But it will come soon!
Am I already the "real me" or am I still what I have learned to be? Am I "my soul" or am I that person I see when I look in the mirror?
There are moments in life when you have the feeling that you are not making any progress in any area. You feel like you are "blocked". Do you know this? Most of the time you find yourself in an "old emotion" and you have not yet let go of it or accepted it.
Can you say that you are living the way you want to? Or are there still many things missing in your life? There are many reasons why we don't have what we want and many reasons why we don't live what we want.
The world is changing day by day. Many spiritual books have been telling about it for decades and call what is happening "ascension". Today, it can hardly be denied.
In my opinion, being happy is the most important thing in life. In principle, being happy is independent of external circumstances. This is important for us to understand. Because this way we don't get into a negative spiral when something "bad" happens in our lives.
Since I started to expand my consciousness and work with people energetically, I have noticed again and again that we all have the same problem: We are poorly grounded.
Stress is contagious, that's the problem, in my opinion. When everyone is stressed, we also become unbalanced. The question is: how do you manage to stay calm yourself, even though everything around you seems to be "in stress mode"?
The earth is in a phase of renewal, energies are changing, people are changing, situations are changing. Everything is changing. This makes us all anxious and fearful. What will happen to us tomorrow?
For many of us, prayer is something unusual. We are no longer used to going to church and when we pray, we usually do it because we are stuck.
You might think that the world has gone a bit crazy. People walk around with masks, are afraid of other people, keep their distance. Some are nervous, some seem to keep calm. What is going on on earth?
It is not easy to remain calm and relaxed these days. Those people who have worked on themselves so far and have already found their way into their hearts are confident despite the Corona crisis. Those who are still struggling with their fears are more challenged.
Life is sometimes different than we would like it to be. Isn't it? I believe that it is mainly due to our subconscious - our inner self, so to speak.
Clarity is something wonderful. When you are clear, you know what you want and what you don't want. But how do you get there? How often are you influenced by others and yet not as clear as would be good for you?
Our lives are very eventful, sometimes even hectic. We are all inwardly restless and stressed. A few decades ago it was very different from today.
God says: "The earth is in the process of changing and returning to its original dimension, energy and position. People are not yet ready for this. That is why they are tired, exhausted, angry or sick".
Often we force ourselves to do certain things. We've learned to do it that way and unconsciously continue to do it that way until we start to reflect on it. Instead, how about simply saying: "I want to"?
Self-love the be-all and end-all for a good life. Each of us knows inwardly that love is attainable and that love can be beautiful. But it is important to feel it!
We all think - sometimes more and sometimes less. And no one asks the question: Is it good for me that I think? The answer to this question depends entirely on what we think!
What do you get out of doing nothing for 5 minutes every day? Your head clears, you expand, you find your centre and your balance, and with time you know what you want and what you don't want, answers to questions you carry with you suddenly come to your mind, and so on.
Our basic values are often not clear or known to us. Do we really live "our" values, or have we unconsciously adopted the values of our families? To what extent does society influence our own values?
Questions like: "What do I want to say?", "To whom do I want to say this?", "What do I want my counterpart to understand?" promote clear communication. Because often you communicate something, but the other person understands it wrong or completely differently than you meant it.
So what does it mean to be enlightened? It means that one has fully accepted one's shadow side and that one is ready to live lovingly, mindfully and consciously.
Many things can bring us into our strength: healthy food, sport, sufficient sleep, etc. But what if our thoughts could also give us strength?
Many people do not know exactly what is meant by spirituality and often confuse spirituality with esotericism or religion. Spirituality is nothing other than being guided by God.
Those who do not take the time to go within run the risk of running away from what they actually want to achieve in life. Only the inner self, the "real me", so to speak, can tell us exactly what we want.
Who are you when you say "I'm tired"? Who are you when you say "I'm hungry"? And who are you when you think you have done a bad job? Are you yourself or is someone else talking inside you?
Believing in God means allowing oneself to be guided, to develop, to become clearer and to expand one's abilities step by step. Those who do not believe in God can do that too, but it is not so easy.
Imagine being completely free - free from appointments, free from obligations, free from the past and free from the future. Free from fears, and also free from guilt. How would that be? Pleasant, unpleasant - or even frightening?
An energetic blockage is always the cause of a health, mental or emotional discomfort. Here are some ways to clear them.
One method of getting rid of one's sadness quickly is to allow it a space and accept it and say to oneself: OK, I feel sad, I allow that and I accept that.
Illness occupies many of us. Especially when one is ill oneself or practises a healing profession. Otherwise, as long as you and your family are well, you usually don't worry about "being sick".
To be at peace or to be at peace with oneself: What does that mean? It means that all our parts, all our cells, all our energies are working together: The head says the same as the heart. The feelings are identical with intuition, etc.
Living in peace is unusual - isn't it? Many people think that it is almost impossible to live in peace, or they don't really strive for it because they all have completely different worries and problems.
What does this word mean? Why should one (or not) end a prayer with this word? It is an old tradition that strengthens the prayer because it is assumed that the prayer will then also be answered.
The world is changing and moving into a new "energy". Many people feel that they are changing, that their opinions are changing and that they are no longer sure how to proceed.
First comes faith, then comes help. That's how it always works (unfortunately) and not the other way round! We humans would like to have proof first, but that's not how the divine works.
Our life is there to experience abundance/richness or not. It is a question of our attitude. In heaven (or paradise) there was always abundance. Why not on earth?
People's consciousness is changing very quickly. Today we see things differently than a few years ago. Tomorrow we see things differently again and the day after tomorrow too. How does that happen?
What is a spiral? A circle that never ends? Or perhaps a beautiful shape that is infinite? Or a circle of negativity? The spiral can be many things - and our lives (almost) always follow this pattern.
God is light and love. Everything that has to do with God (us, that is) is originally light and love. No darkness, no pain, no sadness.
Peace on earth begins within us! If we take care of our inner peace first, we automatically contribute to making the world more peaceful.
Love is pure energy! Without it we are tired, sad, dissatisfied. Unfortunately, it is often misunderstood because people want to "take" more than "give".
We have positive vibrations when we are in the heart. Those who have opened their hearts completely to themselves and to others can live and enjoy a more fulfilled life.
Energy work can be done by anyone and everyone. It is very simple. You go into your heart and expand it so much that you love yourself and other people.
As we believe, so we live. In fact, we have thousands of beliefs (conscious or unconscious) that make us live the way we live.
The death of a loved one is tragic for many people. You lose someone close to your heart and sometimes you feel lost yourself.
Those who do not (yet) feel this way can deal with their issues even more intensively. And open up even more to their happiness.
A life without physical complaints is the greatest wish of many people. Because: When the body complains, it is difficult to enjoy life.
Praying can be a great enrichment for our lives, because God (the Source, the Universe) can help where we cannot get anywhere on our own.
We all have wishes that remain unfulfilled. Sometimes because these wishes are not good for us, sometimes because they do not fit into our life plan.
Fatigue is a sign that you are doing something wrong. Maybe you have the wrong thoughts, the wrong job or the wrong friends.
There are many reasons why life can be hard. But the most important reason is: Because we make it hard for ourselves!
What is the point of believing in God? Much and little at the same time! Little, because you have nothing in your hand. A lot, because you have a lot in your heart!
Praying is easy. You say: "Please help me to achieve this" and then thank me as if the wish had already come true.
The question of the meaning of life is asked by (almost) everyone at some point in their lives. And it is easy to answer: We live because we want to experience something!
Dissatisfaction can occur again and again in our lives. If this is the case, it is important to understand it so that it can be resolved.
No one can say with absolute certainty what the future will look like. Because accurately predicting the future is rarely the purpose of life...
Life is full of challenges, but how do we achieve lasting happiness and is it even achievable?