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from the Source

Healer & Medium

What is energy work?

What is energy work? | The Blog of Alexandra Kind

What is energy work or healing work? For whom is it good or intended? What is it for? Isn't it better to go to the doctor when you are sick? So many questions to ask and so many possible answers. As always, I share God's perspective.

Energy work is something we all do (unconsciously) all the time.

This is not about answering the question of whether a doctor or an alternative practitioner is the right person for me. It's just about making this work a little more conscious.

Basically, energy work has only one goal: to come closer to one's own heart/soul. When one is completely in one's heart, one is completely healthy and happy and the energy work is successful all around.

Energy work is about being in your heart.

There are many techniques and many tricks you can use to achieve this. But basically they are not that important. The most important thing is that the path leads us to the goal, doesn't it? The goal is the heart, the heart energy and happiness.

There is no more important goal in life. Other goals have their justification, but if they are achieved without heart, love and joy, they cannot make us happy.

Energy work is about increasing one's love.

In principle, energy work is possible for everyone. How do you deal with it and what do you have to pay attention to? Nothing at all. It is very simple. You go into your heart and expand it until you love yourself, people, God and the whole universe. When you have achieved this, you are happy and healthy.

Sometimes it takes a very long time (several years or even several incarnations). It always depends on the situation of the soul/person. But you always reach your goal - if you want to. Another tip: get help! This can shorten the duration of the "therapy" considerably.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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