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What to do in case of complaints?

What to do when you have a complaint? | The Alexandra Kind Blog

A life free of complaints is the greatest wish of many people. When the body complains somewhere, you are no longer the same, because the complaints constantly remind you that something is wrong.

Conventional medicine does its best to help such patients, and yet sometimes there seems to be no way out. The complaints are there and remain.

An important help for complaints is prayer!

Because: God's help is not to be underestimated, even in the case of complaints. Even if you are in good medical hands, praying is never wrong.

It is only important to say the right prayers. Because a prayer like "Please, dear God, make my complaints go away" may help some people, but not many. The reason for this is that the complaints want to draw our attention to something. Our soul reports when we are not on the right path somewhere. Sometimes in the form of complaints or accidents.

The right prayers help us to recognise the cause of the discomfort, to solve this cause or to change something in our life so that the suffering can disappear. A prayer like: "Thank you, dear God, that I recognise and solve the cause of my discomfort" will help us to do this.

Sometimes the cause lies in a "misbehaviour", e.g. we eat wrong, we think wrong, we don't do the things that bring us joy. Sometimes the cause lies in genetics or in a previous incarnation. Whatever the case, if you recognise the "true" cause, you can work with it.

Very often, you can at least achieve relief from the symptoms in this way - that's good.

In the "stubborn cases" this prayer could also help: "Please, dear God, let my soul grow and give up everything that does not serve it". Because: Sometimes our soul wants to have a (difficult) experience and does not allow healing or improvement to occur.

What also helps, of course, especially with illnesses, complaints, pain, is to maintain a positive attitude. Because painful situations are all the easier to let go of, the more positive one's attitude is.

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