Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Peaceful Being: Utopian or Achievable?

Peaceful Being: Utopian or Achievable? | Alexandra Kind
Jenko Ataman

To be at peace or to be at peace with oneself: What does that mean? It means that all our parts, all our cells, all our energies are working together: The head says the same as the heart. The feelings are identical with intuition, etc. Is that possible? I believe it is. And it is definitely worth striving for.

Long enough, we have constantly fought against ourselves: my head wants this and that, but my heart tells me something else; and then there are also the fears and worries that want to be "fed", or rather, that should be looked at. If we don't, they constantly influence us in the background. Just like a virus that slows down our computer and interferes with its function.

If one manages to look at one's feelings, to open one's heart and to still one's head, then, step by step, peace and calm, harmony and serenity emerge.

And that is definitely a beautiful state that everyone should strive for - in my opinion.

Is there a trick to reach this state - without long meditation, without healing or consciousness work? Without yoga and the like? Is it possible to attain this state just like that, without having to make any effort? Yes! It is possible. But most of us don't want to (unconsciously). They prefer to stay in the stress and the familiar instead of changing anything about themselves. This is understandable, but at the same time a pity; because those who know this state of peace will never want the previous state again.

So what is the trick?

One asks God to establish this state of serenity for one or to be peaceful.

 Then you sort of move there all by yourself. It may take a few years, depending on where you are, but that's all right. From the moment you connect with God, everything happens in the best possible way. Some will only need a little time and reach this state overnight, for others it will take a little longer. The main thing is to have the chance to reach this state - and a single prayer, a single request is enough!

The Divine then takes over everything else for us. That is the good news!

And the more people reach this state, the easier it becomes for the others. This also works like a virus: people infect each other in a positive sense!

Peace on the inside also creates peace on the outside: as within, so without.

This means that it is not only good for us and for our family and friends, but for the whole world! Achieving peace (worldwide) starts with each one of us! So: Hands off mobile phones and co. and off to peace! This creates peace, balance and contentment. A walk in nature or a nice conversation with friends: That is peace! Mobile phones and other electronic devices can be switched off from time to time! This is good for you and reduces the dependency that has developed in the meantime.

And one more thing: the more calm, the more happiness and creativity. The more relaxed, the more ideas that enrich our lives. The more serenity, the more wealth, etc. This does not mean that one should fall into dolce far niente. It doesn't! It just means that each of us should spend a quiet hour every day to dissolve stress and activate our potential! Each of us is great and can do much more than we have achieved so far!

But this is only possible with the necessary inner peace - that is why it is so desirable. Don't fight, but love! That is the step into the new age!

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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