Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

How to experience more light and love in your life

How to experience more light and love in your life | The blog of Alexandra Kind

God is light and love. Everything that has to do with God (us, that is) is originally light and love. No darkness, no pain, no sorrow. Today we experience pretty much the opposite: heaviness, matter, sorrow, sickness, stress etc.

But that is not what God wants. It is we who have ensured that we have this dark reality on earth. This started about 7,000 years ago and since the year 2012 we are in the process of saying goodbye to it again. We (humanity as a whole) want to experience light and love on earth again, step by step! And so each of us can contribute to our bodies, our lives and (above all) our hearts returning to light and love, step by step.

Our souls are light and love, and as soon as we die - or pass on to the other world - we are only light and love. So why is it not like that in this world? Perhaps because...

  • we don't want it?
  • we have done everything to experience this heaviness?
  • we wanted to know what it felt like?

There are many reasons for this. But the good news is: it no longer has to be!

Everyone can constantly expand their light - if they want to.

And knowing that the more light and love that flows through our lives, the more beautiful it is, the healthier we are and the happier we are should motivate us to do so!

One way is to ask for light and love every day.

Such a request takes no longer than 3 seconds! You ask God to flood you with light and love and say thank you. That's it! Anyone can do this. It costs nothing and brings a lot. Do it for 2 months and you will be amazed how you feel afterwards.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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