Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

How can you improve your life?

How can you improve your life? | Alexandra Kind
Wayhome Studio

There are some "tricks" to improve one's life. However, these tricks must be cultivated as a constant inner attitude so that they actually help us to fundamentally improve our lives.

1. gratitude

Are you grateful (for no particular reason)? The power of gratitude is enormous and changes our vibrations very quickly. When we are grateful, the universe can provide us with everything we desire.

2. satisfaction

Are you content (for no particular reason)? The power of contentment is also very great and, just like gratitude, opens doors for things and situations we would like to experience.

3. faith in God

Do you believe in God (for no particular reason)? Believing in God can also change everything in your life. It is about believing in God without "proving" to us that he exists. Only when we believe in him can he help us. This is a law that currently (still) exists on earth.

If you do "energy work", if you want to change your life and your energies, these three "premises" are immensely important.

Since I have been working as a healer, I have noticed time and again that I can support people with these three inner attitudes much better than others.

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