Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

What does God say about prayers and wishes?

What does God say about prayers and wishes?

For many of us, prayer is something unusual. We are no longer used to going to church, and when we pray, we usually do so because we are at a loss. We are at the end of our tether, so to speak, and at some point we start praying out of doubt.

A prayer is a thought - a thought is a prayer.

But God sees our prayers from a different perspective: every thought is a prayer!

Every time we think: "I have to go to work", "I have to go shopping", "I have to call my grandma", we are letting the ether know that we love having to do something. Every time we think, "I don't feel like going to work" - consciously or unconsciously - we are telling the universe, "I don't like my job, make it change". But we don't say in this case whether we want to have a better job or whether we want to be dismissed, for example. So it is immensely important that we are mindful of what we think.

The universe (God) always takes us seriously. We will always receive an answer to our prayers - sooner or later.

For this reason, it is important that we pray clearly, desire clearly, think clearly.

What do we actually want? That is the question we should ask ourselves before we think, pray, wish. In principle, the universe makes no difference between thinking, praying or wishing. Everything has the same energy.

What happens when our prayers/wishes are not fulfilled?

Either we do not pray clearly, or we pray too much!

We cannot ask for one thing all the time. Basically, it is enough if we say our prayers regularly - for example, once a day or once a week, as the case may be.

If we do not pray clearly, for example, we want to become slimmer, but at the same time we do not want to change our diet. In such a case, we should pray, for example, "Thank you, dear God, that my diet suits me well." Very likely, we will reach our optimal weight in this way (because we automatically adjust our diet over time) without having to go on a diet.

It is also important to ask for what is right for us. I have made it a habit to ask God to tell me which prayer is best. Most of the time - as I have experienced - we don't know exactly what is good for us at that moment.

Wishing, praying, thinking always come out of lack consciousness.

When we are well, we automatically pray and desire less. Ideally, we are in a "fullness consciousness" - that is, in the heart - and do not need to think, pray, desire, because we attract these things anyway - whether consciously or unconsciously (from the soul). The wishes fulfil themselves, as it were, when we are in this consciousness. Sometimes even before we have perceived that we have these desires.

You reach this consciousness of fullness when you are well connected with the earth and with God and when you arrive in your heart. Then you are more in an observer position and less in a thinker position.

The path to this is not always easy, but it is doable. It's about, step by step, no longer listening to your mind and instead observing - consciously. In my opinion, it's worth it to reach this state. I'm still practising. :-)

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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