Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Feel the love of God in you!

Feel the love of God in you | The blog of Alexandra Kind

We are not separated from the love of God: we never have been! We have only "forgotten" that it is always there.

All our problems and lack, even illnesses, always stem from the feeling that we are not getting enough love. Often we even wish for the love of a certain person who cannot or does not want to give it to us. This leads to the fact that we can't feel the love (in general) in us at all and are frustrated or sad.

When we feel loved, we are well. Here is God's message in this blog post:

When you feel the love of God in you, you are well!

In what way do you do this? By centring yourself in your heart (heart chakra) and feeling this love. You do this until you feel loved (nourished). This kind of love is independent of situation and person and is always available to us! If we consciously feel it in ourselves often enough, we are no longer the "needy toddler" striving for love, but a loved adult ...

Some people will find this little exercise easy, others will need some time before they can do it. But the time it takes to reconnect with God's love is not so important. What is important is that we have "a possibility within us" to reconnect with love and to feel it. Sooner or later, everyone succeeds!

Remember your soul, the "real you" and feel the love of God in you!

If you succeed, you will notice that healing takes place, that your problems are solved, that you create a better life.

My first blog post on this topic was called: "Love yourself!" At that time, the point was that we can greatly raise our vibrations by "sending out" love to ourselves.

This blog post is about feeling the love of God in our hearts.

Both types of love bring us the same thing in principle: healing takes place, we are satisfied, we vibrate higher and thereby (according to the law of resonance) attract better situations, people, things in life.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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