Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Why am I so tired?

Why am I so tired? | The Blog of Alexandra Kind

Of course, it can be that you haven't slept enough or that you've eaten poorly. That is clear. But this blog post is about other reasons. Let's say you sleep enough and eat healthily. Is it possible that you are still tired?

Maybe you have asked yourself these questions before:

  • Why am I so tired in the morning?
  • How come I go to bed at 10pm, get up at 6am and am still tired?
  • Why am I much more tired with some people than with others?

Fatigue is a sign that you are not doing something right in your life.

Maybe you have the wrong job that you don't enjoy, or you have the wrong partner or the wrong friends. In any case, you are doing something wrong or thinking wrong. If you always think negatively, "Life is hard", "The weather is bad", "People are stupid", "I'm not good enough", etc., then you quickly get tired, because our soul or God wants to show us that we are thinking or acting wrongly.

If you notice the signs and understand why you are tired all the time and are willing to make certain changes in your life, the tiredness disappears very quickly.

Thoughts and feelings affect our bodies very quickly - sometimes so quickly that even though you were alert a moment ago, you can be completely powerless within minutes. This is a kind of protection we have that becomes active when something happens that is not right.

First you just have to open up to your feelings and ask yourself why you are tired. Then, if you listen to your intuition, you will know. Answers will come like: "Because I ate badly yesterday", "Because I talked too long in the evening but my body needed rest", "Because I drank too much wine" or "Because I am giving someone energy".

Fatigue can have many causes, but the most common cause is external energy.

When another person or being drains our energy, we immediately become tired, listless or even sick.

How does this happen? And what can be done about it? First of all, you have to know that it's nothing unusual, it happens all the time. So don't worry, nobody has died from it yet ...

The question that arises is: What is the cause of something robbing us of our energy? And the most common cause is that we are not worthy of being in our power.

It is about being worthy of oneself, being in one's full power and not letting anyone steal it from you.

If you always take this to heart, there is no more energy robbery! If you value yourself, to be full of energy, to be great, to be happy, then you have everything you need!

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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