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What is the use of praying?

What is the point of praying? | The Blog of Alexandra Kind
Diego Cervo

Praying means connecting with God, asking him for help and realising that we are not alone in life. We improve our lives just by praying. And that is regardless of what we pray for. When we pray, we open ourselves to God and automatically get more out of life than when we don't pray.

God's help often comes only after we have prayed for help. Because: If we do not want help, God accepts our "wish" and does not help us. It is similar with our faith in God. If we have chosen not to believe in God, God will help us less because in our truth there is no God. Ultimately, our faith is decisive.

If we believe that God and angels exist, then God and angels will help us. If we (consciously) believe that they do not exist, then they will certainly intervene less in our lives. This is called "free will".

Praying can work wonders.

Praying can work wonders.

Praying can be a real enrichment for our lives. Because God (the source, the universe) can help us where we get stuck. God is much wiser, much more loving and much kinder than we humans and he always knows what we need and when we need it. The more we surrender to this source of all being, the more love and happiness we will experience in our lives.

There are things we cannot change.

This is because our faith is too stuck. If our faith is again as it was thousands of years ago, then we will be able to change much more in our lives again. And that with just one prayer!

Until then, we should accept the things we cannot change now as they are. Because that way we can still find as much happiness as possible within ourselves, no matter what situation we find ourselves in.

But much can be changed.

The more we believe in God and trust that our prayers will be answered, the more. Again, our faith has a great influence on the outcome of our prayers. To strengthen our faith in God and the power of our prayers, we can repeat the following sentence (prayer) until we are convinced: "Thank you, dear God, that I believe in you and thank you that my prayers are answered with ease!" With this we have laid the foundation for our prayers to make us truly happy.

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