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from the Source

Healer & Medium

How do I become happy and satisfied?

How do I become happy and content? | The Blog of Alexandra Kind

Our happiness depends 100 per cent on our thoughts. Depending on how we see a situation, we are happy or not. It is not the new shoes that make us happy, but the fact that in our thoughts we think the new shoes are good. Once we have the new shoes and have worn them for a few days, they don't really increase our happiness - unless every time we put them on we think, "Great, I love these shoes!"

Our thoughts make us happy!

It is not external things that make us happy, but our own thoughts. They are responsible for how we feel.

From a certain level of consciousness, our soul takes over and thoughts lose power. From then on, our consciousness and our feelings gain importance. Until then, as long as we are still controlled by our mind, it is important to pay attention to the quality of our thoughts.

Some will say that it is impossible to always have positive thoughts, and that is true. But that is not the point. It's more about paying attention to the fact that sometimes we also have less positive thoughts. Because: if old emotions or energies lie dormant in us that are not so positive (no matter where they come from), then negative thoughts still arise. I deliberately say "still" here, because at some point, when you have gotten rid of all the ballast, the thoughts calm down and become positive by themselves.

What to do with negative thoughts?

If you are still plagued by negative thoughts today, you can do one thing: notice your old feelings and consciously feel them. A little bit every day. This helps you a lot to create clarity within yourself. Just observe them without trying to change them. That way you accept them and they clear up.

And those who have cleared up all their old emotions will be happy.

Perceiving and accepting - how meditation heals.

So ultimately, we achieve happiness by raising our awareness. By becoming more and more aware of the things that happen in our lives and by consciously observing our own thoughts and feelings. Doing nothing but observing them until they all become positive. This can take a few years, but eventually happiness sets in.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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