Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Relaxation in just 5 minutes

Meditation in nature - Alexandra Kind
Boyarkina Marina on AdobeStock

We are all a little stressed - sometimes more and sometimes less. Life, work, mobile phones and all the information that pours in on us ensure that we are constantly under power.

The power within us wants to be nurtured.

We can nurture them by coming to rest and just "being".

Often we only feel valuable when we "do" something. But God created us in such a way that we are always valuable. no matter what we do and no matter if we do something.

In principle, cultivating your strength is simple: You sit on a chair and observe your breath - without doing anything and without (consciously) thinking anything. You breathe in and you breathe out. You do this for 5 minutes a day (at the beginning). In this way you come to rest and to your strength.

Strength lies in tranquillity.

What do you get out of doing nothing for 5 minutes every day? Your head clears, you expand, you find your centre and your balance, and with time you know what you want and what you don't want, answers to questions you carry with you suddenly come to your mind, and so on.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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