Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

What you send out comes back to you

What you send out comes back to you | Alexandra Kind

We are all subject to the "law of resonance" or also called the "law of attraction". But what does it actually mean? It says that what we radiate always comes back to us.

It's best to read this sentence 3 times so that you really internalise it!

It is a simple principle, but most of the time we do not understand it well.

The spiritual world wants to say that we often act as "victims" or as "perpetrators", but do not realise the negative consequences our actions have on ourselves. It is about us recognising that we should always be "loving". By "loving" is meant here: Do things the way God would do them. "To be loving means to be loving to yourself and loving to others.

A "no" is not automatically unloving.
An "I don't want to" is also not automatically unloving.
However, "I'll do it for you, but I don't feel like it myself" is unloving.

If we get stuck, we should centre ourselves (in the heart), meditate briefly and ask ourselves again and again: Do I really want this? If the answer is "yes", we act lovingly. But if the answer is "no", then it is better to change something or not to do it.

We send energy out into the universe all day long.

If we do things all day that we really want, we send out "love". If we do things all day or a large part of the day that we don't want, we send out "stress", "frustration" etc.

What you send out, the universe brings back to you.

So if you send out "I do it because I need to make money", the universe will not bring you the right job, nor much more money. But if you send out "I love what I do", you will get more and more great ideas on how to make your job or your work even better for you.

Another example: If you send out "I'm tired and have burnout", the universe will send you things that you are even more tired and exhausted and sad.

What can you do to send out something else?

For example, in this last example, you can do the following:

"Feel" your way through! Feel that you are tired and have burnout until you realise that this feeling is only what you believe and what you even unconsciously want. Maybe you also have feelings of powerlessness, frustration or "I don't know what to do" - you can also feel these in peace and depth until they transform.

When you are through these feelings, step by step you can send out something "different" into the universe and the universe will help you to be more and more positive.

If we send out "red", we get "red".
If we send out "green", we get "green".
If you don't like "red", it is important that you feel it until the colour changes.
Many people in our society have not learned or have repressed this kind of introspection.
Your feelings create your life! Think about it day by day! If your feelings are a little dull, feel them until you smile again. Then you can send a smile into the world again.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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