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What can you do to communicate clearly?

What can you do to communicate clearly | Alexandra Kind
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Together, we can explore questions like

  • What do I want to say?
  • Who do I want to tell?
  • What do I want my counterpart to understand?

promote clear communication. Because Often you communicate something, but the other person misunderstands it or understands it in a completely different way than you meant it.

In mobile phone and email communication, there is an additional hurdle compared to face-to-face conversations: the tone is missing. The tone is the most important thing. Depending on the tone we use, the other person can interpret what we say very differently, even if we use the same words.

For e-mail, mobile phones and the like, since this dimension is omitted, so: Attention, difficult!

The sound makes the music

If you don't strike the right note, you won't will not be able to communicate well.

If, for example, I am upset or annoyed and at the same time say something loving, my counterpart will usually not accept this as loving. as loving. This is because his subconscious picks up the vibrations that are behind the words and senses our negative feelings. behind the words and senses our negative feelings.

It is important to be clear and centred before you say anything. First relax and clarify your feelings for yourself, then tell the other person what's on your mind.

Communication is something you do anyway - with and without words.

Sometimes a smile replaces many words and is even better received.

The question you can ask yourself is: what do I want to communicate right now? So if I want to express that I am tired and need rest, it is better to say: "I need some rest, please keep yourself busy", instead of grumbling and repeating that the day was exhausting and stressful, hoping that the other person will already take the hint and leave us alone.

The trick for smooth communication

is to ask yourself again and again: What do I want to say? (with words or without), and what do I want my counterpart to understand?

If you do this regularly, your communication will eventually become very clear and unambiguous for the other person, because you yourself know exactly what you want to say to him and how he should understand it.

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