Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Why are we all tired and stressed?

Being stressed and tired - why - Alexandra Kind
stokkete on AdobeStock

God says: "The earth is in the process of changing and returning to its original dimension, energy and position. People are not yet ready for this. That is why they are tired, exhausted, angry or sick".

If we open ourselves to the "new time", we will be better off!

When people open themselves to take in the "new" vibrations of the earth, their bodies adapt to the ever-increasing energy and they become lighter. Their thoughts and feelings change, they let go of old ballast and old attitudes.

The more they cleanse themselves of their past, the more energetic they become. It may be that a transition phase is necessary to leave this ballast behind. During this phase one is often tired and stressed, many emotions come to the surface and one is confused.

But once you have this first transformation behind you, you have more energy and more joy.

How can one "swim along" on the wave of "new energies" that the Divine is constantly sending to the Earth today? In principle, it is quite simple: It is enough to believe in God and to trust that changes are good. Everything that does not correspond to the divine order wants to be "changed" today so that we all find more love and harmony. If we trust and surrender to this process, we go with the flow.

If we do not go with the flow and want to love and preserve "the old" (as old people often want to do), life on earth becomes more and more "difficult". This is the motivation God gives us: Go with the wave, open yourself to the changes that want to be lived here on earth, and you will be better off!

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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