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from the Source

Healer & Medium

Are you living what you want?

Blog Are you living what you want? | Alexandra Kind

Can you say that you are living the way you want to? Or are there still many things that are missing in your life?

There are many reasons why we do not have what we want and many reasons why we do not live what we want.

First of all, it is important to clarify what you really want. The problem is that we humans often don't know "who" we really are. So the very first thing you should clarify is: "Who am I?"

Once this question is clarified - and that can take a few years - you can also clearly recognise what you want. If you then know what you want, it will be easier for you to attract it into your life like a magnet.

"You" here is no longer your personality, but much more the "real you" - your soul.

Only when you are your "true self" do you know exactly what you want!

Before that, our ego likes to interfere and we wish for things that often belong to our parents, grandparents or the society we live in.

What can you do to be more "yourself"?

There is a simple solution that can help you to be more "yourself", your "true self", your soul. And that is by saying every day: "Thank you, dear God, for being me again." Simple, isn't it? Maybe even say it several times in a row, as an affirmation. Many things become clearer and the process is shortened.

When you are "yourself" again, you know better what you really want and you can start to create the life you really want. The first and most important step, in God's opinion, is to become "yourself".

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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