Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Why do we live what we live?

Water droplets - Alexandra Kind
Myriam Zilles on pixabay

Life is sometimes different than we would like it to be. Isn't it?

I believe that it is mainly due to our subconscious - our inner self, so to speak. If our inner self wants something other than what we have set our minds to, an insecurity arises within us and we do not achieve our goals.

The inside is the part of us that has been "programmed". It is our hard drive, so to speak. The inner self has stored its "programming" especially in the first 3 to 6 years and has the task of bringing us what we think is right/ have learned (regardless of whether it is actually useful to us or not). If one wants to solve or change these imprints/attitudes, it is useful to connect with our inner being and ask it what it needs to change this attitude.

Three instances within us are talking.

So there are (at least) three instances in us. Our heart, our head and our inner self. If all three are in agreement, we can easily manifest our desires. If all three disagree, we either manifest nothing or one of the three instances takes over - usually the heart.

The heart is intelligent.

Thank God our heart is highly intelligent and knows exactly which desires serve us and which should better wait (or not arise in the first place). In principle, this is like a protection against ourselves. Our desires are not always clear, not always the best and do not always serve humanity as a whole.

If we achieve that our wishes serve all people (including us, of course), from the perspective of the heart there is nothing to prevent our wishes from being fulfilled.

See that your desires serve all people!

If this is the case, your heart will make sure that your head and your inner self join in.

It is important to know that the head is also an intelligent entity. This corresponds to a large extent to the ego, but who says that our ego is bad? Our ego is sometimes also good. Namely, when it is supposed to protect us personally. If we are well protected, we don't need it. If we are not well protected (for example, because we have not yet forgiven all people), the ego takes over certain natural functions.

When we are completely at peace with all people, our ego retreats.

The ego is not bad. The ego helps us in those cases where we cannot do better.

If we are aware of this, we can make sure that we make peace with other people and thus relieve our ego. The ego has then fulfilled its task and we no longer need it.

But back to desires. A part of our head (not the ego, but in this case the intellect) wants to achieve certain things in order to give us security. This part is often linked to our fears. But here too, if we are at peace with ourselves, our head (similar to the task of our ego) no longer needs to create security, but is given the task of making us happy. And the heart then takes over.

A wish that comes from the heart is fulfilled. A wish that comes from the head or inside must first be checked by the heart.

If we have doubts about our wishes coming true, it is because our ego and/or head are doing their jobs or because we still have inner imprints that do not benefit us. As mentioned above, it is then a matter of making peace with ourselves and with others (forgiving) and releasing our negative/obstructive attitudes within.

Making wishes come true can be fun! It is only important that we correctly understand which tasks our heart, our head and our inner self fulfil. If the latter no longer need to fulfil their tasks, our heart starts to shape our life and our wishes can come true.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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