Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Who am I? Am I me, or am I another?

Who am I: Am I Me, or Am I Another? | Alexandra Kind
YakobchukOlena on fotolia

Strange question, isn't it? But this question is justified - and you will see why.

Who are you when you say "I'm tired"? Who are you when you say "I'm hungry"? And who are you when you think you have done a bad job?

Are you yourself or is someone else talking inside you? Could it be that your feelings are still influenced by your grandmother or great-grandfather? Could it be that some of your feelings are not your own?

What can you do? You would like to live your own life, feel your own feelings and have your own thoughts. Is that even possible? Yes, it is possible, and it is not even that difficult.

The trick is to repeat the sentence "I am me" over and over (out loud).

It sounds simple, and it is a good way to free ourselves from everything that has nothing to do with ourselves.

Why is this so important and why am I writing about it? Because at the moment we are all challenged to become ourselves again. Many things are becoming clearer and many things have been changing for several years. At the moment, however, there are special cosmic constellations that help us to become clear and ourselves again. You just have to use them.

It is important to know that you are much "better" when you are "just" yourself.

If you (unconsciously) don't believe in it, it can prevent you from "daring" to become yourself again. But what do you gain from still having a part of your grandmother or sister inside you? And what do the grandmother or sister get out of it? Nothing. It's just an ambiguity that makes everyone unhappy and difficult.

But this fact can be changed now. Now is the right time, and everyone has the right to be themselves. If I am myself, then I am as God created me. Isn't that better than being a mixture of different souls?

Do we have a right to permanently destroy God's work, or would it not be better to simply love ourselves as God once made us?

I believe that we have a great opportunity - if we want it - to become ourselves again. This was not possible for millennia, but it is now becoming possible again. Use this chance and let go of everything that does not really belong to you.

I am sure that you will be grateful for it and that you will soon feel completely free!

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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