Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Let us live fullness!

Let's live fullness! | Alexandra Kind

Our life is there to experience abundance/richness or not. It is a question of our attitude. In heaven (or paradise) there was always abundance. Why not on earth?

Many people believe that fullness is not possible here because they do not know it in this life and have never experienced it. But what if we have simply chosen not to live abundance? What if we have all removed ourselves from the Divine in order to have this experience? What if we are all suffering just to experience this state?

How about a change of perspective: from now on I see myself in abundance, as healthy, happy and free?

Can you imagine that? Or are there so many inner restrictions that it is no longer possible to imagine such a thing?

Cultivating positive attitudes towards ourselves and life serves to help us find our way back to God.

Many people still live in separation, or rather in duality. But is it possible to be in this world and still live in paradise?

Who created this world? God? Or the people who destroyed God's world step by step?

Would it not be conceivable to restore God's world step by step?

All together instead of against each other? Wouldn't that be great?

I think that this is exactly our task! If each of us loves ourselves, our neighbours and our family - regardless of what others think and do: Where would we be today? Still in the midst of terrorist attacks, wars and violence - or in the midst of love?

It is all a question of consciousness. If I consciously choose love, I will experience love. God expects nothing from us except one thing: love!

We have moved away from the love of God for millennia - but we can return now.

By choosing now the love, the abundance and the world that God once gave us. When each of us makes that choice, what happens? Love! Everywhere and all over the world. It seems so simple, and it is. But we stand in our own way. We would rather turn to violence, unattractive things, stress, endless appointments and unkindness instead of saying: Stop it! I want to experience love and abundance now!

What if we all collectively made such a decision? Wouldn't that be great?

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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