Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Faith in God

Faith in God | Alexandra Kind

God, dear God: Who are You? What are You doing? Why don't I get enough help from You? What can I do to be happy? How can I believe in You if I don't see You and don't feel You?

Do you know such questions?

One thing is important in advance:

First comes faith, then comes help.

That's how it always works (unfortunately) and not the other way round! We humans would like to have proof first, but that's not how the divine works. We humans would like to have proof first - and then we are able to believe!

Understandable ... so do I! But the divine doesn't work that way. That's why people usually only start believing in God when they have no other choice, that is, when things are really bad for them. Is that necessary? No!

We can do an experiment! Believe in God for 3 weeks (or at least pretend to) - and ask him again and again to help us. What will happen then? Probably quite a lot, but our mind will not recognise it - unless we are particularly mindful and honest with ourselves.

Do this experiment: Imagine God taking you by the hand and helping you, day by day, hour by hour.

After 3 weeks, you can look back and feel or empathise with how these 3 weeks went. It will definitely be positive! And for the sceptics among us: I assume that a lot has happened in the direction of relaxation, relief and more energy.

I do not want to convince anyone that he/she should believe in God. I can't and no one else can either. You have to feel it, sense it and experience it. It doesn't work any other way.

Thinking about whether God really exists is hardly helpful and, frankly, not useful at all. And what good does it do me to be so angry in my life that I don't believe in God or blame him for all my suffering? Little. It is even counterproductive, because then I receive exactly even more suffering and even less help.

It makes more sense - and it is worth it - to make an attempt and say: "Dear God, I believe in You! Help me! Show me the way!" That really makes sense! After 3 weeks you can always say, "It didn't work" and go back to your usual way. But at least you tried!

When can God's help come?

It is important that we first believe in God and thank Him for His help (in advance!), that we are worthy (few among us are) of His help and that we accept His help. Otherwise it stays at the door and cannot come in.

Those who do not believe in God will never experience God. That is the paradox: First believe, then get proof!

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