Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Changes we all face

Renovate - Changes in Life - Alexandra Kind
2mmedia on AdobeStock

We are all facing great changes. The world is changing and moving into a new "energy". Many people feel that they are changing, that their opinions are changing, and that they are no longer sure how to proceed. On the other hand, we are often challenged to make decisions or revise our behaviour. The way things have been until now is somehow no longer coherent. This unsettles some of us. And that robs us of energy. If you don't know how to move forward, you are "blocked" - and that can be frustrating. What do you do in such a case?

If I know what I want, it is easier for me to make a decision.

In my opinion, the best thing is always to withdraw for a moment and calmly go through the issue. It is important to pay attention to your feelings and ask yourself the question: What do I want to do in this situation?

Here is an example: Suppose I am a painter and I work as a businessman on the side to earn more money. I don't enjoy my job as a businessman at all but I do it to feed my family. Is that right? Yes and no!

Yes, because I'm supposed to earn money somehow - and no, because I'm doing something I don't enjoy. What would be the right decision 100 per cent of the time? Probably to paint as much as possible! How do you manage to do something you love doing and earn money at the same time? These are the challenges we have nowadays; career changes, partner changes etc.

Everything that is no longer fun should be revised and rethought.

We are allowed to concentrate on what we enjoy.

The way to get there is: courage, trust, faith and motivation. If I am courageous and trust my feelings, I will always go the right way. Maybe I will have two jobs (for a while) or I will dare something - or, or, or. There are many paths to success, and that path looks different for each person. The important thing is to follow your feelings - that always gets us to the goal. And the goal is happiness.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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