Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Remember the "real you"!

Remember the real you | Alexandra Kind

Today we have the choice to become our "true self" or to remain "our mind". This corresponds to the development that is also taking place on earth at the moment.

If we are our "true self", we live out of the state of being and are in divine surrender. This means that at that moment we no longer think so much, but instead (without thinking) let things happen, observe and receive or do what needs to be done.

If we are (still) in the illusion of being our "mind", we create a life that looks very different from the one when we start to be our "real self".

We are our "true self" when we concentrate on our heart (heart chakra) and simply "are". We are then "our soul" instead of "our mind".

Our "true self" is always connected to God and knows the (right) way.

Our "true self" knows exactly what it wants and how to achieve it. Our "mind" sets goals, tries to achieve them and is sometimes happy and sometimes rather unhappy with what it has created.

In truth (from God's perspective) our mind does not exist at all! The mind only emerged in the course of our evolution and is based purely on fears! "Without fears, no mind!", says God.

So if we are "our mind" and we believe what it tells us, we live in our fears - whether we feel them or not. These fears can even be, for example, fears of our ancestors that arose many generations before us and are hidden so deeply within us that we are not even aware of them.

If we are the "real us", we begin to detach ourselves from these fears. Our thoughts then become less and less and a great transformation takes place (automatically). "Our mind", says God, "will dissolve again in the course of evolution."

What does that mean for us?

This means that it is much better for us if we allow ourselves to be the "real us". Because: Without fears, but being in constant connection to the source (i.e. to God), we are completely different beings who have much more potential and who are much more loving. And thus we are able to create a completely different (better) life that makes us completely happy.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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