Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Improve your life!

Improve your life! | The Blog of Alexandra Kind

Life is beautiful! Now the question is, can you already see it that way?

Is your life beautiful?
Do you feel that your life is beautiful?
Is everything beautiful in your life?

If no, then it's time to make a change!

We live according to what we inwardly (and often unconsciously) believe.

For example, if we believe that life is difficult (which many of us do unconsciously), life is indeed difficult. The degree of difficulty is then related to further beliefs.

And we all have millions of beliefs! To "cleanse" all beliefs is virtually an impossibility. Because: when three dissolve, new ones often form immediately afterwards.

But there is an excellent help that God "gave" me for this blog post:

Say every day, "I believe in such a way that my life is beautiful."

If you use this affirmation every day, your beliefs will gradually change and your life will actually change and improve.

Going on a hunt for beliefs seems almost unmanageable given the multitude of beliefs. But focusing on the main areas of our lives, such as "I believe in such a way that my life is beautiful" can be very rewarding.

Many beliefs can change with ease and the "struggle" comes to an end.

If we all "worked" with such an affirmation, we could bring about a great change in the whole world. But since we can only ever start with ourselves, we should start here!

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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