Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Right Now

Now! | The Blog of Alexandra Kind

Many books and spiritual teachers speak of the "now" and say that only the "now" is important. That only the "now" exists and that everything happens in the "now".

Personally, I find this idea difficult to comprehend. Because my mind always thinks in terms of "before", "now" and "after".

Do you feel the same way?

For me, the "now" is a (spiritual) concept that wants to confuse us humans.

I would like to receive here the words of the source on this subject:

We humans live in time and our minds will never get out of it. We can think about "before" and "after" and that will always be the case.

When we live in the "present moment", we have let go of the past (even yesterday) and also the future (even tomorrow). This is good and also essential so that we can better focus on the present moment. When we are fully concentrated and satisfied in the present moment, we definitely create the best for tomorrow.

I can live with this thought very well. Thoughts like "everything happens at the same time" or "everything is now", on the other hand, are more difficult for me to understand. Firstly, this does not correspond to our human understanding of time, and secondly, it is beyond my mental capabilities. If I cannot explain something mentally, there is probably a reason for it. I would call such constructs "confusing".

What does God say about this? - Time is linear in our world and not in other dimensions. As long as we live in this world, we had better come to terms with this fact. It is much easier for us humans.

On the energetic level, we can heal something in the past and benefit from it today. We can also heal something today and benefit from it tomorrow. So on the energetic level, this means that time is actually irrelevant. Nevertheless, we should keep the concept of time, including the dimensions of past and future, as a reality of this world.

What was yesterday is no longer today. What is today will no longer be tomorrow.

This means that every moment is unique and can never be repeated. It also means that we should accept that every moment is different and that everything is constantly changing. However, it does not mean that yesterday is today or that tomorrow is today.

For me, "now" is therefore not yesterday or tomorrow, but simply "now".

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