Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

Our life is the result of our inner attitudes

Our life is the result of our inner attitudes | The Blog of Alexandra Kind

The life God wants for us is very often not the life we actually live, and we could in many cases live a much better life. Because God wants us to be happy!

I would rather say that the life we live is the result of our programmes, attitudes and feelings.

Not everyone knows how best to live. All too often, life is seen as something you have no control over. But it is not like that. In reality, we ourselves are the creators of our lives - consciously or unconsciously. Once we realise this, we understand that we can very much change our lives.

As we believe, so we live.

In fact, we have thousands of beliefs (conscious or unconscious) that make us live the way we do.

We believe, for example, that we were born into a certain family by chance and therefore carry certain characteristics of that family within us. Or we believe that we have problems because our parents had the same problems. Or we believe that we do not have the power to change anything about our lives or ourselves.

By consciously recognising, observing and accepting our beliefs, we dissolve them.

When we consciously recognise and accept our programmes, feelings and thoughts, they dissolve and we change our lives! The more we are aware that it is we who shape our lives, the more power we have. We are powerful and strong - if we want to be.

Achieve more and more what you desire with all your heart!

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