Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

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Distance healing
4-week energy transfer

354,00 $

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This distance healing, without personal contact, supports you in listening more to your inner voice.

Distance healing INNER VOICE

Allow yourself to follow your inner voice!

This distance healing takes place without personal contact and aims to make your inner voice so "loud and clear" that you listen to it.

We often hear two voices within us. And sometimes it is not so easy to recognise which of them is "the right one". One is the luminous voice, the other corresponds to our shadow sides, which we have not yet clarified.

The "right" inner voice wants us to become light-filled and thus happier. The other voice in our head wants us to stay with the old, to resolve our shadows. Basically, both have their justification. But one is associated with joy, the other with effort.

If we still have fears, the second inner voice will guide us in such a way that we must face these fears. Once we have clarified our fears, there is only one voice left within us: the voice of light.

This remote healing helps you to clarify your issues in such a way that you recognise which voice wants what from you. If you can interpret it correctly, the second voice in your head will dissolve over time.

With the distance healing "Inner voice" I transmit new energies to you for about 4 weeks, which support you to release old issues and energies from your system. This is done without personal contact. Please note that you do not receive a telephone consultation with this distance healing. You can book an additional telephone consultation if needed.

Like all my offerings, this distance healing supports you to transform and solve many things in yourself. Each distance healing is only useful once and they all complement each other wonderfully. If your inner attitudes are more luminous, you can open up to something better in your life.

Do you have any questions about the distance healing "Inner voice"?
Then please visit my FAQ page or write to me via the contact form.

Please note: All my services bring about an inner transformation and can change your life for the better. I am, nonetheless, not responsible for the changes that take place in your life. My offers are intended to help you help yourself.

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