Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

What does freedom mean and how do you achieve it? | Alexandra Kind

What does freedom mean and how do you achieve it?

Imagine being completely free - free from appointments, free from obligations, free from the past and free from the future. Free from fears, and also free from guilt. How would that be? Pleasant, unpleasant - or even frightening?


Why am I ill? | Alexandra Kind
Kyle Glenn

Why am I sick?

Illness occupies many of us. Especially when one is ill oneself or practises a healing profession. Otherwise, as long as you and your family are well, you usually don't worry about "being sick".


Peaceful Being: Utopian or Achievable? | Alexandra Kind
Jenko Ataman

Peaceful Being: Utopian or Achievable?

To be at peace or to be at peace with oneself: What does that mean? It means that all our parts, all our cells, all our energies are working together: The head says the same as the heart. The feelings are identical with intuition, etc.
