Messages of light
from the Source

Healer & Medium

A new world is born | Alexandra Kind
Gerd Altmann

A new world is born

A new world is about to emerge. You can't see it in reality yet. But it will come soon!


What is happening on earth right now | Alexandra Kind

The meaning of the chaos in which we now live

Seen from above, our planet is in total chaos. Day after day we receive new impulses from the sun and some planets that force us to let go of our old structures, heaviness, ballast, etc.


Blog Impulses for a better life by Alexandra Kind | The world is changing
Megan McBride-Kennedy

The world is changing

The world is changing day by day. Many spiritual books have been telling about it for decades and call what is happening "ascension". Today, it can hardly be denied.


How do I stay calm in stressful times? | Alexandra Kind
New Africa

How do I stay calm in stressful times?

Stress is contagious, that's the problem, in my opinion. When everyone is stressed, we also become unbalanced. The question is: how do you manage to stay calm yourself, even though everything around you seems to be "in stress mode"?


Globe on one hand
geralt on pixabay

What is happening on earth right now?

The earth is in a phase of renewal, energies are changing, people are changing, situations are changing. Everything is changing. This makes us all anxious and fearful. What will happen to us tomorrow?


Lily blossom - What does God say about Corona?
Nowaja on pixabay

What does God say to Corona?

It is not easy to remain calm and relaxed these days. Those people who have worked on themselves so far and have already found their way into their hearts are confident despite the Corona crisis. Those who are still struggling with their fears are more challenged.
